Sunday 22 May 2022

Night Market

The first night market of the year was held on Friday at Frégimont, the small village one kilometre down the road from Ellesmere.

These weekly market nights normally occur in July and August but Friday's event was a special, preliminary show.

All our friends were there to enjoy the food, wine and music.


There were fewer food stalls than normal but the standard was very good. Local brewer Natural Mystik was represented and our favourite local winery Quissat was there too.

These night markets are wonderful community events that showcase what is best about French provincial life.


  1. Glad to see that they are starting up again in your neighbourhood.

    1. We absolutely love them Kerrie, they're always a hoot!

  2. Hi, Tony,
    Never heard of those “market nights”. Looking at the photos, they seem to be very enjoyable events. Now, you’re part of the community after the pandemic restrictions. I suppose you are, more and more, at ease in a French environment. How’s your French doing. Tell me when I’ll have to comment in French.
    In the first photo, what are those nets protecting? I dont see any vines or trees. Once, I was traveling from Marseille to Bordeaux on a tran and I saw in the fields in your region nets protecting some kind of crop.
    It is said that everybody has a sosie (doppleganger?) somewhere in the world. In the second photo the woman on the right looks like our own Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.
    Well, keep trucking! Wishing you the best.

    1. Hi Charles-Henry, I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I am not sure what type of fruit is being protected by those nets. I would guess plums or kiwi fruit. Night markets are a common, summer occurrence in villages here in the Lot et Garonne. They attract locals and tourists alike and are generally family affairs, with children running around carefree and happy. You can always find good food, beer and wine at these events ... and good music! Yes, Nancy Pelosi is a good friend of mine and came over from the US especially to be at our first night market. Her French is excellent and when not in Washington, she spends time at her home outside Paris, and teaches in a Lycee. Si tu veux répondre en français, ca serait trés agreeable.

    2. Bonjour Tony. MDR=LOL=Mort de rire au sujet de Nancy Pelosi. Elle a une double vie que j’ignorais et elle aussi! Je suis sûr qu’elle a été ravie de vous voir. Je pensais que ces filets pouvaient protéger des vignes.
      Pour devenir Français devez-vous avoir vécu un certain nombre d’années en France? Les cours de français on-ils repris maintenant que les restrictions sanitaires sont moins strictes? Comme on dit ici, keep up the good work!
      Dans un autre ordre d’idées, si vous avez besoin de traduire quelque chose de français en anglais et vice versa voici un site web que je recommande et qui est gratuit, L’intelligence artificielle a fait d’immenses progrès.

    3. Il faut vécu en France au moins cinq ans pour être éligible de demander nationalité Français. Les cours de français sont repris mais une fois par semaine en lieu de deux fois.

    4. Let me correct you as a teacher to a student. Before I do that, let me congratulate you for your French. You’re almost there. As they say, keep up the good work.
      Il faut (avoir) vécu en France au moins cinq ans pour être éligible de demander (la) nationalité (française). Les cours de français (ont) repris mais une fois par semaine (au) lieu de deux fois.
      As you can see it is almost perfect. Again, congratulations, you’re on the way ...

    5. thank you my friend ... merci

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