Tuesday 23 July 2019

Summer in the South-West

The French emerge from their winter ensconcement to revel in summer life.

They frequent their local night markets (village food stalls with music).

They gather for long Sunday lunches ... beneath shady trees.

They are out in their potagers (veggie patches) and their flower gardens ... all the colours of the  rainbow.

They go to the beach, or into their pools, to seek refuge from the waves of heat.

They flock to cultural and music events.

So here at Ellesmere, we do what the French do ... enjoying those summer rituals that make life so pleasant.

tomatoes, eggplant, peppers and basil

the gardener's reward 

ready for Sunday lunch

a summer ritual

Tuesday 16 July 2019

Valedictory lunch

We had such a wonderful time with my brother John and his wife Karen, who stayed with us for three weeks.

They are continuing their European holiday before returning to Australia.

What better place to enjoy a valedictory lunch than Chez Jeanne in the hamlet of Pomarede, in the Lot department, made famous by Australian journalist and author Mary Moody.

She wrote a book and made a film about the restaurant, on the occasion of its 100th anniversary, about fifteen years ago.

It has been in the same family all this time.

It offers traditional cuisine bourgeoise, with soup, entree, main course, cheese and dessert ... with bread, water and a bottle of wine.

Madam Murat is now in her eighties and her daughter Sylvie has taken over the running of the business.

Sylvie's daughter, apparently, is not interested in carrying on the family tradition, so the long-term future of Chez Jeanne is under a cloud.

The book that Mary wrote

The restaurant sits in a quiet hamlet

The mural of Madam Murat and her father

The menu for today

Goodbye and bon voyage, Karen and John

John and Madam Sylvie

Chez Jeanne offers a particularly warm welcome to Australians.

We always try to take visiting family and friends there.

Thursday 11 July 2019

Summertime and the river

Cultural activities and catching up with friends are among the great pleasures of summer in France.

Yesterday afternoon we participated in a cruise along the Lot river with others from the Temple-sur-Lot French/English language group.

Last night our Castelmoron-sur-Lot French language group held a "best plate" night at the home of Alistair and Kate Forbes, who own a beautiful property right on the river, about five kilometres from the village.

My brother John and his wife Karen are visiting from Australia and they have been getting a taste of our dolce vita in the Lot et Garonne.

Here are some photos from last night ...

Alistair entertaining the guests

It was a gourmet night and Alistair, as usual, provided the music. He included in his repertoire "Les feuilles mortes" and "Champs Elysees" for our French friends.