Friday 19 November 2021

Autumnal Colours


The regular morning mist lifts and the sun, revealed, moves on its low trajectory across the southern sky.

There is much less heat, but there is a brightness and a soft clarity of light which illuminates the garden.

Many flowers and shrubs have preformed their annual disappearing act, or have been pruned.

But some are refusing to yield to the austerity of winter.

Walking around the garden, diminished in its scope and vibrancy, I find joy in these hardy blooms, these last flowers of the year.

The colours of autumn, from top to bottom ... salvia, wild cyclamen, maple, rose and heather.


  1. Hi Tony,
    Are you back from your trip to Bayonne?
    To me the first picture looks like Gladiolus. But not seeing the leaves, I cannot say for sure.
    Beautiful autumn pictures, very colorful.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Charles-Henry. We decided to postpone our Bayonne trip as the weather will be inclement. By the way, I'd be really interested to learn more about your story, how a Frenchman came to be living in the USA. We can communicate via private email if you like. My address is

    3. In the first photo, the stem looks like one of a gladiolus, but the flower is definitely Salvia, Sauge in French.
