Sunday 29 November 2020

Is it the sun?


Tonight, after returning to the house from my sundowner in the garden, I spy the sun rising in the east.

But it is 5.30pm!

I look to the west, and see the washed colours of a late autumn sunset.

That is the brightest moon I've ever seen!


  1. It is no a supermoon since the last one of the year occured in May. But it definitely is une très belle pleine lune. Hello, Tony, I'm still there, but in bad shape. After suffering from a bad back last year, I have been for the last eight months in a rehab facility, here in the States, after a fall and a broken hip. Rehab is very slow, but what can you expect at 96 yo?

    How's everything with you? How's your French doing, mon ami? Still enjoying the Lot-et-Garonne?

    1. Wow! Dear Charles-Henry, I am SO HAPPY to hear from you again. I was very worried and tried to contact you by email. I so missed reading your comments. I am of course concerned to learn of your misfortune (fall) but I do hope your rehab is coming along fine. My French is a little bit on hold I'm afraid, what with the lock-downs preventing classes and us not socialising as much (with French friends). An honest assessment would be that my French has gone backwards a tad, but I'm looking forward to classes resuming, probably in the latter half of next year. But life is good for us in France, we are still loving it here at Ellesmere in the Lot et Garonne. We wish you and yours a happy Xmas and a much better 2021, and again I say how happy I am to hear from you again. It has made my day!!

    2. Tony, sorry to hear that your French is at a standstill. I nave a suggestion for you. Why dont you spend half an hour every day (maybe with you wife) listening to the French News on Tv. It doesn't matter, at the begining, if you don't understsnd much, that will come later, but you will accustom yourself hearing French spoken by people with very good enunciation. Little by little you'll understand words within their context. You'd be surprised how much you learn without even noticing it. Anyway, it's worth trying. When I moved to the States, I didn.t know much of English, I did not have a job yet and lived with old French friends of mine..While they were st work, I looked everyday at different soap operas on TV and that helped me a lot. Good luck!
      Tous mes compliments pour n'avoir pas oublié le trait d'union à mon prénom. There's hope for you :-) Lol!

  2. Re-bonjour Tomy. I think my last comment was a year and a half ago on 26 May when I congratulated you on the fabulous job you did on that bench. Be warned, I might comment in French next time!
