Monday 11 February 2019

This better day

Cold, grey days of mist and drizzle seemed endless  ... but today was a wonderful relief, bright and warm and sunny.

It's squelchy underfoot, but there are rewards in walking around the yard.

The last winter rose, a stoic survivor, is now succumbing to its fate.

There are other flowers to admire ... a small Althea shrub beside the ancient fountain and a clump of hellebores beneath the Lime tree.

Previous owners Yves and Nicole left some treasures in the garden. This earthenware pot has a striking sun-yellow glaze and green collar. It lies in a bed made bare by the winter.

The other day we spotted a pair of partridges stealthily moving around the fringes of the garden, where stones make a border near the road.

We watched them with great excitement and furtively took photographs through the window.

We knew if we opened the door they'd be gone.


  1. For years I had several Althéas in my small yard in Paris, France. To my dismay, the last one died of old age two or three years ago. Are  they called Rose of Sharon in Australia as they're called here in the States?

    That fountain looks very classy.

    The hellebore is known in France as rose de Noēl or Christmas rose.

    Talking of roses, the last rose of summer looks like it is made of wax.
    I remember my grandmother singing that aria from Martha. Memories!

  2. Hi Tony. Our crabapple is just starting to flower , the daffodils are out and I've just uncovered the lemon tree to find two fruit still ripening. Looking forward to days in the sunshine and getting our vitamin D again.

    1. Today (Thursday) was wonderful, sunny and warm. Got to 15 degrees. Bliss!
