Friday 2 February 2018

Blue sky, white frost

The face of winter has changed, from grey to blue.

The rain has eased. The clouds have broken up. We've had the first frost for quite a while, covering the grass and sealing the car in an opaque sheet of ice.

The Lot, swollen and turbulent for weeks, has resumed its gentle, glassy undulation.

The sun makes an appearance and angles into the kitchen through a window, throwing rays onto a tray of vegetables we bought this morning at St Livrade.

The fire burns bright in the hearth. Last night, we put on some well-cured pine logs, complete with needles ... and were treated to a fireworks display.

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture with the sun rays.

    Yesterday was crêpe day a.k.a La Chandeleur. Like most French people, I made my batter the day before. Following the tradition yesterday, I flipped the first crêpe while holding a gold coin in the other hand. I was fortunate the crêpe landed back in the pan on its other side. (Mission accomplished, as the second stupidest president of the US said once. The first stupidest is currently in the White House!) That gold coin business means, if the flipping goes well, you will have money through the whole year. Isn't that nice?

    As my grandmother would have said, I'm not superstitious because it brings bad luck!
