Monday 14 August 2017

Sunday lunch

La Commanderie at Temple sur Lot has always looked like a great spot to experience that wonderful feature of French life, the long Sunday lunch.

Nestled at the foot of ancient stone walls, La Commanderie  caters to the carefree and languid indulgence of locals and visitors.

We have often driven or cycled past it on a Sunday afternoon and noticed people sitting outside under parasols, by the cool, water jets of shallow pools.

The 13th century tower and ramparts once housed members of the legendary Knights Templar.

The setting is gorgeous. The food, attractively presented, had some room for improvement.

Brochette of duck


Potted colour around the aqua pools enhanced the aesthetics. I was impressed with the cast iron, sundial footings for the parasols.


  1. I don't know about the food, but the setting looks attactive and relaxing.

  2. As happens so often in restaurants here, points for effort, but less for execution. At least you are actually in France.

  3. I love your blogs I could not stop reading them, brilliant. Still keeping a look out for any house that you may like. All the best
