Thursday 10 November 2016


I feel a mixture of revulsion and anxiety. I fear for the future, for my children and yet unborn grandchildren. I am now worried that nuclear war may destroy our planet before runaway warming does. I cannot believe that decent, intelligent people didn't prevail, but that the  god, guns and glory brigade did. The malaise felt in the United States is the result of unchecked capitalism, and the desperate poor turned for a solution to a phoney who exemplifies the problem.  Are we now reading the closing chapter of a book that opened with the assassination of the Kennedy brothers?

I am glad I am moving to France. I am sure tens of thousands of thoughtful, angst-ridden Americans will be contempating a similar move.


  1. So well summarized, and written!

    1. and a premonition of what the last four years woul be like!
