Monday 27 April 2020

The sunny calm

Sunday was a bright, warm day.

But it proved to be the calm before the storm.

Monday morning brought thunder, lightning and a downpour.

the view from our front window

The storm quenched the garden's thirst, which had returned after a week of sunshine.

But not before I'd harvested our first artichoke.

Around the fountain, the irises are eye-catching ... white on tanned skin, violet on boot-polish black and purple stripes with just a hint of gold.


Lurking in the shadows, catching the rays of the afternoon sun, a glorious rose.


  1. Congratulations on the artichokes. Does Cliona have some interesting recipes for them ?

    1. The traditional method for us ... boiled or steamed, allowed to cool and eaten slowly (leaf by leaf) with a vinagrette.

  2. Eye-catching is the word. These irises are fabulous.
