Monday 30 July 2018

Mid-summer distractions

Home ownership and a large garden bring chores. The summer brings visiting family from Australia.

So, before I knew it, six weeks passed with no new blog post.

In short, we are still in the honeymoon phase with our house in Bazens.

A blunder by our removalist in Australia meant we have had to cope without a number of essential things.  The company finally found our missing boxes in Adelaide and is air-freighting them.

Here are some more photos of "Ellesmere".

The pool has been blissfully refreshing. The meteo says Adelaide heat-wave temperatures are on the way.


  1. The garden is looking great. You have obviously earned your time in the pool. Hope you get some rest time between visitors.Bisous

  2. This really looks like a dream house. Insatiably curious about it, loking forward to more photos. Keep up the good work.

    1. Will post some photos of interior and furniture soon.

  3. The kids will love the pool for sure. It is all looking beautiful my friend.
